Saturday, May 17, 2014

Must Have Products for Mixed Girl Hair

Growing up I had a tough time dealing with my hair. As a kid, I always felt like it made me stand out too much. I hated it. Over the years, I grew to love my hair. It took me decades to not only find a hair stylist that could do my hair, but products that could manage my wild hair & keep it healthy. Once I hit the entertainment industry & my hair had to be styled every day I had to start thinking of solutions, and fast. My thought process is this, if you put a curling iron on your skin for even a half second, it would hurt, leave intense burns, well it must be doing the same thing to your hair! You just can't feel it..but eventually, you WILL see it. To this day, I can't even blow dry my own hair. It's thick, fluffy, curly, long & a serious arm work out. I may not be able to style my own hair like an expert but I definitely know how to keep it healthy like one.

Kenra Moisturizing Shampoo & Conditioner
After years of going to the salon every week & trying out different products, I've come across my "Holy Grail" of Hair Products. So here goes...

Kenra Moisturizing Shampoo & Conditioner:
In the shower, wash your hair with Kenra's Moisturizing Shampoo, then rinse. Put Kenra's Moisurizing Conditioner in your hair & comb it through, then rinse.

Kenra Nourishing Masque
Kenra Nourishing Masque (deep conditioning treatment):

This is my favorite hair treatment! I do this every sunday. It's a bit pricy if you use it regularly ($25) & I can only get 2 uses out of the jar before it's finished unfortunately, but for me, it is totally worth it! So here is what I do, I use about half of the jar & drench my hair in it. I wrap my hair in a bun & I sit under a steamer for a good 30 minutes with the product in it. I try to keep the masque in my hair for an hour, then I rinse it out. Your hair will feel amazing!

Kenra Daily Provision

Kenra Daily Provision:
Once I rinse out the Kenra Nourishing Masque, I pat dry my hair a little bit then spray the Kenra Daily Provision mist. It's a really a light-weight leave in conditioner. I love it. Then I really try to let my hair air dry before blow drying.

Chi Silk Infusion

Once my hair is blow dried, I put CHI Silk Infusion (silk reconstructiong complex). Another relatively pricey product, but my #1 favorite by far. My hair sucks up serums, so I have to apply this daily. Two other serums that I love but for me haven't been as consistent are Kerastatse Nutritive's Serum Oleo-Relax & Moraccan Oil.

Hope some of these products help you out! Stay tuned for more tips on hair from me coming soon! And as always, feel free to leave questions or comments below!! xo

(Please note: none of these products are sponsored or paid topic inspections. All opinions are of my own & are based truly on my experience.)

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